Economic Evaluation – evaluate the potential of your new economy

totnes as banner

An Economic Evaluation activity estimates the potential value of key parts of your new local economy. Forecasting how much revenue and how many jobs your potential re-localised food sector might produce, for example,  is valuable information. This can help you get the attention of key organisations that might not yet understand the true potential of a new economy, such as you your local council.

Transition Town Brixton (inner city London), Transition Town Totnes (a market town in Devon) and Transition Hereford (a rural county) have piloted this approach, and others places are now getting their own project underway. Here’s a short video that explains the work in Totnes.

We are continuing to work with Totnes and Brixton to explore how best to support the new enterprises that are emerging in those areas.

You can download the reports below, find out more about what support and training is on offer to help you, and read the background stories of the 3 pilot Transition groups…

Download the reports

Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint  summary report


Download Brixton/Lambeth Economic Evaluation summary report

 2MB – Only this lower resolution is available, some images may blur when printing

Download Herefordshire Economic Evaluation summary report
1MB – Only this lower resolution is available, some images may blur when printing

Support and training

If you think you’d like to do an Economic Evaluation type project where you live, then we can help you with a self-guided course, a peer support group and one on one help from those who have done it before – find out more here.

To get a better idea of what’s involved, we suggest you read some of the background stories below.

Background stories & detailed reports

Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint

Background to the Totnes project – please read this blog post first, it gives important context, and you can also watch the interview with Fiona Ward about this work in the video embedded above.

Detailed reports (each 20-30 pages):

There is no detailed report for Care & Health, this is just as represented in the summary report. More information about the current state of the Totnes work, including the 3 year plan is over on TTT’s website.

Brixton – Rethinking Lambeth’s local economybrixton cover

Here’s a blog by Transition Town Brixton that gives background to the project, and here’s an an interview with Duncan Law who coordinated the work.

Detailed reports (each about 20 pages and up to 3.6MB):

More information about the current state of this work is available here.

Herefordshire – Economic Evaluation

Herefordshire EB cover

Background to the Herefordshire project – please read this short blog post first, it explains how and why this work is different to the Totnes work. Here’s a reflection by Nick Sherwood who did the work, as well as an interview with him.

Detailed reports (each 30-50 pages excl references and up to 1.5MB):

More information about the current state of this work is available here.
